Conference archive

V международная конференция
13 — 16 сентября 2022 года, г. Екатеринбург, Россия

V Международная научная конференция «Стандартные образцы в измерениях и технологиях» собрала более 200 экспертов в различных областях метрологии из России, стран ближнего и дальнего зарубежья. По традиции, организаторами конференции при поддержке Минпромторга России, Росстандарта и Академии стандартизации, метрологии и сертификации выступил ФГУП «ВНИИМ им. Д. И. Менделеева» и его уральский филиал. Пятая по счету конференция прошла в юбилейный год 180-летия Всероссийского научно-исследовательского института метрологии им. Д. И. Менделеева и приурочена к 80-летию Уральского научно-исследовательского института метрологии.


Программа конференции охватила широкий круг вопросов, связанных с разработкой, производством и применением стандартных образцов в измерениях и испытаниях, включая проблемы нормативно-правового регулирования. На пленарных заседаниях и в работе секций научного мероприятия обсуждались вопросы метрологического обеспечения измерений в здравоохранении и фармацевтике; проблемы контроля качества и безопасности пищевых продуктов; экологический мониторинг; метрологическое обеспечение черной и цветной металлургии, атомной промышленности и других отраслей. В центре внимания стояли вопросы метрологической прослеживаемости измерений и межлабораторных сличительных испытаний, другие актуальные для мирового метрологического сообщества темы.


Широта охвата
На мероприятии было представлено 66 устных и 22 стендовых доклада. Представители разных стран приняли участие в этом мероприятии, включая Азербайджан, Беларусь, Израиль, Казахстан, Россию и Узбекистан. Кроме того, на мероприятии были представлены города России, такие как Москва, Санкт-Петербург, Екатеринбург, Менделеево, Красноярск, Пикалево, Краснодар, Верхняя Пышма, Челябинск, Ростов-на-Дону, Новокузнецк, Новосибирск, Калуга, Кемерово, Оренбург, Иркутск, Тюмень, Самара, Заречный, Якутск, Долгопрудный, Томск, Нижний Новгород, Балашиха и Уфа.

Приветственные слова участникам конференции направили министр промышленности и торговли РФ Алексей Ученов, губернатор Свердловской области Евгений Куйвашев.
 «Необходимо сосредоточиться эффективных научных, организационных и производственных решений, позволяющих наполнить российский рынок качественными отечественными стандартными образцами», — заявил Алексей Ученов.
«Не могу не отметить растущую значимость стандартных образцов в метрологическом обеспечении экономики и других сфер, от которых зависят благополучие и безопасность, в целом качество жизни людей. Горд тем, что Екатеринбург в лице уральского филиала ВНИИМ им. Д. И. Менделеева известен в России и за ее пределами как один из ключевых центров развития этой области прикладной науки», — подчеркнул Евгений Куйвашев.
Заместитель руководителя Росстандарта Евгений Лазаренко, открывая мероприятие, отметил: «Конференция «Стандартные образцы в измерениях и технологиях» по праву считается крупнейшей дискуссионной площадкой специалистов по стандартным образцам. Это успешный пример сотрудничества представителей государственных органов власти, научных институтов, коммерческих организаций из числа производителей и потребителей стандартных образцов. Конференция отражает продолжение активного международного сотрудничества в этой области метрологии, вносит весомый вклад в решение актуальной задачи расширения отечественной номенклатуры стандартных образцов».
Генеральный директор ВНИИМ Антон Пронин резюмировал: «Во ВНИИМ поступает много запросов от отечественных производителей о возможности замещения импортной продукции (СО, расходные материалы для физико-химических измерений) и о содействии в подборе отечественных аналогов. Поэтому для помощи отечественным производителям планируется разработать раздел по импортозамещению СО на сайте Государственной службы стандартных образцов состава и свойств веществ и материалов».


Часть докладов прозвучали в онлайн-формате. По итогам конференции издан сборник тезисов докладов на русском и английском языках, опубликована англоязычная книга «Reference materials in measurement and technology» с научными статьями на основе докладов конференции. На русском языке статьи вышли в  журнале «Эталоны. Стандартные образцы», издаваемом ВНИИМ и его уральским филиалом.

Географическое  разнообразие  участников  и широкий  круг  тем  докладов  позволяют  сказать,  что  прошедшая конференция подтвердила заслуженный годами статус — стала настоящей площадкой для обмена знаниями и опытом, собрав вместе профессионалов из разных стран и городов. Ведь каждый доклад и каждое выступление способствовали обогащению участников новой, ценной информацией.
— С уверенностью можно сказать, что  была  достигнута  основная цель конференции - аккумулирование научно-техни­ческих знаний в области метрологии,  обеспечение  продвижения единства  измерений  посредством информационного обмена между ведущими организациями. Таким образом, конференция способствует технологическому международному трансферу знаний в промышленность, — резюмировал директор УНИИМ Егор Собина.


IV International scientific conference
December 1-3, 2020, St. Petersburg, Pushkin, Russia

On December 1-3, 2020, in Pushkin, St. Petersburg, the IV International Scientific Conference “Reference Materials in Measurement and Technology” was held in a combined format (online and offline). The event was organized by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart) together with the Ural Scientific Research Institute for Metrology (now UNIIM–Affiliated Branch of the D.I. Mendeleyev Institute for Metrology (VNIIM-UNIIM)).


The Conference was attended by scientists, researchers, lecturers, graduate students, specialists from research and metrological institutes, regional metrology centres, enterprises, and organizations of the industrial sector (a total of 117 representatives of all 13 federal districts of the Russian Federation). In addition, the Conference was attended by foreign specialists – representatives of national metrology bodies, national metrological institutes, members of ISO/REMCO and CITAC, metrologists from Switzerland, Great Britain, Israel, India, Brazil, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan.

Within the framework of the Conference, four special scientific sections held their meetings: “Normative legal regulation in the field of reference materials. General issues”; “Reference materials and medicine”; “Standard of living”; “Development of new reference materials, including physical properties and their application.” 53 scientific reports were presented at them, as well as at the plenary and poster sections. These reports reflected the interdisciplinary nature of the theory and practice of development, production, distribution, and application of reference materials.

“In keeping with the long-term tradition, the organizers, in my opinion, managed to hold the Conference at a high level in this difficult year. The active involvement of specialists in the Conference, both offline and online, confirms the relevance of the discussed issues. I would like to note the special interest shown in the topics of metrological assurance of measurements in the field of medicine, quality control, and food safety. The main result of the Conference is an extensive discussion of the theory and practice of development, production, distribution, and application of reference materials”, said Egor Sobina, Acting Director of UNIIM–Affiliated Branch of the D.I. Mendeleyev Institute for Metrology (VNIIM-UNIIM).

As a result of the Conference, the publication of the collection “Reference Materials in Measurement and Technology 2020” was planned. The collection has been prepared for publication by Springer. The collection of conference abstracts in Russian and English has been released.

III International scientific conference
September 11-14, 2018, Ekaterinburg, Russia

On September 11-14, 2018, the III International Scientific Conference “Reference Materials in Measurement and Technology” was held in Ekaterinburg. The event was organized by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart) together with the Scientific Methodological Center of the State Service for Reference Materials of Composition and Properties of Substances and Materials – the Ural Research Institute of Metrology (UNIIM).

The Conference was attended by scientists, researchers, lecturers, graduate students, specialists from research and metrological institutes, regional metrology centres, enterprises, and organizations of the industrial sector (a total of 117 representatives of all 13 federal districts of the Russian Federation). The conference was also attended by representatives of national metrology authorities, national metrological institutes, members of ISO/REMCO and cooperating organizations (ILAC, CITAC, OIML), other ISO Technical Committees, and COOMET representatives from Germany, the United States of America, the Republic of South Africa, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Israel, Poland, Belarus, and Kazakhstan. The working languages of the Conference were Russian and English. Within the framework of the Conference, meetings of 11 special scientific sections took place. 80 scientific reports were presented at the Conference, which were heard at the plenary, special, and poster sections of the Conference.

The Conference priority was to create an open platform for the exchange of scientific information on fundamental and applied research on the issues of reference materials of the composition and properties of substances and materials, as well as to promote reference materials as a technical, regulatory, and methodological basis necessary to ensure the accuracy of measurements.

During the plenary session, reports were presented by representatives of state scientific metrological institutes of the Rosstandart and manufacturers of reference materials. The participants were especially interested in reports dedicated to the formation and implementation of state policy in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Great attention during the Conference was paid to reports on the results of research related to the development of reference materials, the application of measurement standards in the production of reference materials, issues of the practical application of reference materials in various fields.

The Conference resulted in an extensive discussion of the theory and practice of development, production, distribution, and application of reference materials, as well as issues of metrological assurance of measurements in the field of pharmaceuticals, quality control and food safety, environmental monitoring, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, and the nuclear industry. Within the framework of the Conference, the issues of interlaboratory comparison tests, including the application of reference materials, were considered separately.

The result of the Conference was the publication of the collection “Reference Materials in Measurement and Technology” by Springer.

The result of the conference was the book «Reference materials in measurement and technology» published by Springer.

The organizers express their gratitude to all the conference participants who could come, make interesting reports, take part in the work and organization of the Conference.



II International scientific conference
September 14-18, 2015, Ekaterinburg, Russia

As part of the events dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the founding of Rosstandart, on September 14-18, 2015, the II International Scientific Conference “Reference Materials in Measurement and Technology” was held in Yekaterinburg (Russian Federation). The event was organized by Rosstandart together with the Scientific Methodological Center of the State Service for Reference Materials of Composition and Properties of Substances and Materials of the Ural Research Institute of Metrology (UNIIM).

During the Conference, issues of international cooperation in the field of RMs, theory and practice of development, production, distribution, and availability of reference materials (RMs), scientific aspects of the study of substances and materials, RM legal regulation, issues of metrological assurance of measurements in the field of healthcare, pharmaceuticals, metallurgy, environmental protection, etc. were discussed.

Welcoming words and wishes for successful work were delivered by Sergey S. Golubev, Deputy Head of Rosstandart (Russian Federation), Yuri A. Zolotov, Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on Analytical Chemistry, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russian Federation), Nikolay V. Sonec, Director of the Bureau for Standards of the IGU, Executive Secretary of the IGU (Republic of Belarus), Vagan A. Sahakyan, D.Sc. (Eng.), Director of the National Institute of Metrology (Republic of Armenia), Alexander N. Atanov, Candidate of Science (Chem.), General Director of the Center of Reference Materials and High-Purity Substances, Honoured Chemist of the Russian Federation (Russian Federation).

The Conference was attended by 176 researchers, specialists from organizations producing and using RMs from 15 countries (Algeria, Belarus, Germany, Israel, Iran, Kazakhstan, Nigeria, Poland, Russia, Taiwan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, France, Czech Republic, South Africa), representing 13 NMIs, 14 research institutes, 8 universities, more than 40 organizations involved in the development, creation, distribution, and application of RMs. The working languages ​​of the Conference were Russian and English. Within the framework of the Conference, meetings of 9 special scientific sections and 2 thematic roundtable discussions were held. They were devoted to the development of the organizational structure of SSRM (GSSO) as well as the issue of creating RMs for toxic substances. 90 scientific reports were presented at the Conference, of which 82 (oral and poster) were presented at the plenary, special, and poster sections of the Conference, as well as at the round-table meetings.

The organizers express their gratitude to all the conference participants who could come, make interesting reports, take part in the work and organization of the Conference.

I International scientific conference
September 10-14, 2013, Ekaterinburg, Russia

On September 10-14, 2013, the I International Scientific Conference “Reference Materials in Measurement and Technology” was held in Ekaterinburg. The event was organized by Rosstandart in cooperation with the Ural Research Institute of Metrology – Scientific Methodological Center of SSRM (GSSO).

The Conference was attended by 181 specialists from 15 countries: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belgium, Belarus, Bulgaria, Brazil, Great Britain, Germany, Kazakhstan, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, the Philippines, representatives of 76 organizations, including 12 scientific metrological institutes of different countries, 24 research institutes (including academies of sciences of different countries), 10 higher educational institutions, and more than 30 enterprises and organizations.

98 reports were presented at the Conference, a collection of conference proceedings (I, II volumes) was published. The conference material raised issues of metrological traceability of measurements based on the use of reference materials, the activities of national services for reference materials, the development and application of reference materials in the field of healthcare, pharmaceuticals, quality control and food safety, environmental monitoring, energy, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, etc. Issues of competence of reference material manufacturers and recognition of the competence of reference material manufacturers in different countries were discussed.

The plenary session was addressed by Dr. Paul De Bievre (IUPAC Representative to the Joint Committee for Guidelines in Metrology (JCGM) of the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) and Working Group 2 “International Vocabulary of Metrology (VIM)”, independent adviser on metrology in chemistry in the Consultative Committee for Amount of Substance (CCQM) BIPM, Honorary President of the National Committee of Chemistry of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Belgium) with the report “Metrological traceability of measurement results” and Dr. Wolfram Bremser (Researcher at the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM, Germany), member of the Committee on reference materials of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO REMCO)) with the report “ISO REMCO’s efforts in the field of reference materials”.


Information about the conference is published:
– in the “News” section of the Rosstandart website
– in the peer-reviewed scientific and technical journal “Reference Materials” No. 3/2013, page 6
– in the peer-reviewed scientific and technical journal “Plodorodie” No. 6 (75)/2013, pp. 29-30
The conference proceedings are available in the scientific electronic library